Salzwelten Altaussee – Explore the world of the miner

Become a miner

The Salzwelten Altaussee is a special experience for young and old! Explore the world of the miner by putting on the white miner’s ridge. Afterwards you get entertained with a short cabaretistic introductory film. Directly behind the screen, the tunnel starts deep into the mountain until you reach the salt boundary (the transition from rock to salt). This is followed by the Barbara Chapel, built of pure stone salt. Moreover you see the backdrops of the Second World War.

The paths are wide and in most places high enough so that no feeling of claustrophobia must arise. Furthermore, there is no toilet in the tunnel, so it should be used before the start (restrooms are located at the souvenir shop). The tour takes about 85 minutes, but just walk just approximately 60 minutes. At a temperature of around 10 degrees Celsius, a vest or jacket with a zipper is recommended, which can be easily opened by the “Bergmannskluft” (miner’s ridge). In addition, a solid footwear is recommended.

Slides meets Watershow – Fun in the Salzwelten Altaussee

Over two slides (one short and one longer) one reaches the salt lake. In the second slide there is a camera and you can buy a reminder photo afterwards at the souvenir shop. The slides are rather slow and the spout is long enough so you do not have to be afraid. If you feel somewhat safer you can use the 3-point technique like on water slides, whereby the speed is increased. I would recommend this to you, as it is so much more fun.

The salt lake is the highlight of the mountain world. This is followed by a unique sound-light music show, which uses state-of-the-art technology and mirroring effects in the water. Here I do not want to betray too much – a little tension must remain. After that, unfortunately, the decline through the tunnel to the entrance, where you even get a little goodie.

How to get there?

The Salzwelten Altaussee is reached shortly after the community Altaussee on the way direction Blaa Alm / Loser. From Graz through the Gleinalmtunnel (toll) only 2,5 hours.

Altaussee for Insider

Tip # 1: Combine this trip with a trip to the Loser, which is not far away. Enjoy the beautiful mountain panorama, swim in the cool mountain lake just a few meters from the car park or climb the summit.

Tip # 2: Combine this excursion with the Blaa Alm, which is not far away and enjoy delicious dishes with a view of the Loser mountains. The sunny terrace invites you to relax in the alpine atmosphere.

Tip # 3: Combine this excursion with Lake Altaussee, which is right on the way. Alternatively, this can also be circumnavigated – as a hiking or running track ideal with many cooling possibilities. Furthermore, there is the option to explore the lake by boat.

Tip # 4: Combine this trip with the Gradieranlage in Altaussee, which is right on the way and breathe freely. Through the brine, which runs slowly over tireless, a pleasant refreshing sea breeze is obtained, which has a beneficial effect on the region of the nose and throat.

Further information, prices, opening hours & Co can be found on the homepage:

The SteiermarkCard includes a unique entry into the Salzwelten Altaussee (stand 2014/15/16). For more information, visit the website: