Honeycomb Bravo – FBW A32NX – External Taxi Lights (Button 36 / 37)

In this post I would like to show you how to control the external taxi lights (runway turn off and nose light) with the Switch 36 /37 on your Honeycomb Bravo Quadrant Throttle. Of course you are welcome to use a different button or setup, it’s just for demonstration. For the following setup you need the following:

Switch for External Lights (Taxi)

The external taxi lights on the A32NX include the following external lights:

  • NOSE LIGHT, which must be in position TAXI
  • RWY TURN OFF LIGHT, which must be in position ON

To be able to switch the external Taxi Lights, all you need is the variable TAXI_LIGHTS_SET with one parameter (0 = OFF, 1 = ON). Spad.Next triggers an event via the SimConnect interface (similar to a keystroke). The A32NX automatically recognizes the position in which the lights are currently located and switches the lights on or off if necessary. Note that when you use the mouse or keyboard to turn the external lights on or off, your switch position on the Honeycomb may differ.

The switches should trigger with a release event, i.e. as soon as you flip the button. Of course, you can also make a configuration so that the triggering takes place as soon as the buttons are pressed (short press). But then you have to swap the logic for button 36 and button 37.

Button 36 Configuration (Release Event), External Taxi Lights ON

Note that this is a button release event. The configuration is quite simple, because the event TAXI_LIGHT_SET with the parameter 1 via the SimConnect interface triggers two events in the FBW A32NX:

  • RWY TURN OFF to ON position
  • NOSE to TAXI position (if Landing Lights are activated, this will be overridden! Landing Light always pulls before Taxi Light or OFF position)
Spad.Next Button 36 1
Spad.Next >> Button 36

Button 37 Configuration (Release Event), External Taxi Lights OFF

Note that this is a button release event. The configuration is quite simple, because the event TAXI_LIGHT_SET with the parameter 0 via the SimConnect interface triggers two events in the FBW A32NX:

  • RWY TURN OFF to OFF position
  • NOSE to OFF position (if landing lights are enabled this will be overridden)
Spad.Next Button 37 1
Spad.Next >> Button 37

More configurations

More about the Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant

More about the Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant can be found on the Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant Overview Page, the Configuration page of the Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant for many other aircraft and the Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant Test and Recommendation.

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