Return a value if no rows are found SQL


What actually happens when you run a SQL query that doesn’t return any rows? For example, think of a WHERE clause with the condition 1=2, which can never be fulfilled and therefore rows can never be returned. First, let’s look at a few examples that should show you what you can expect as a return … Read more

Difference between SQL NVL and NVL2


NVL VS NVL2 The difference between the SQL functions NVL and NVL2 is, that when using the function NVL2 you can set different values for NULL and NOT NULL. NVL only checks and analyzes the first expression. If the expression is NOT NULL, the function outputs the value of the field. If a NULL value … Read more

SQL Default Value if no row is returned


Sometimes default values are necassary. Normally you can use NVL or NVL2 when you get NULL values as return value. But it is also possible, that no row is returned. In this case, NVL or NVL2 is not working, cause you get no value back – not even NULL. Therefore, there are some options – … Read more