Protection against corona, bacteria and viruses in everyday life

Corona virus, influenza, flu, viruses and bacteria – all a small or big danger to humanity. The body can deal with most viruses and bacteria through the learned or innate immune system. In addition, vaccinations can minimize, weaken or even prevent the course of the disease. For this reason, vaccinations, if available, should be used to strengthen the learned immune system. Older people in particular are dependent on the trained immune system and have major problems with new types of unknown viruses and bacteria (due to the weakening of the innate immune system).

Surfaces such as door handles, chalk, sponges, tables and the like should be disinfected regularly or only touched with gloves. Disinfection of the hands is also recommended after school and during breaks. At the universities, the rearmost places should also be used, as sickly people cough forward or to the side. Also try to avoid courses with sick people.

How to protect yourself from Corona in everyday life

The corona virus is transmitted in two ways:

  • Droplet infection
  • Smear infection

When the droplet becomes infected, the virus is immediately absorbed by a person who coughs, for example. Droplets reach open wounds or mucous membranes and the virus can dock. With proper hygiene of sick (as well as non-sick) people, droplet infection can be minimized. You can protect yourself by a large distance (1.5 to 2 meters are recommended) and by a maximum period of 15 minutes. This means that you should surround yourself with as few people as possible (keyword: workplace, public transport, training place, leisure time, etc.).

The second possibility of infection is smear infection, where the virus “waits” on a contaminated surface. The virus can survive there for several days to weeks. The first scientific findings suggest that the corona virus has a lifespan of 7 to 9 days. This means that the area is contaminated over this time (unless thorough disinfection takes place). The viruses survive particularly well on smooth surfaces such as metal (door buckles), glass (smartphones, touch screens on the copier, ticket machines, coffee machines), surfaces (desks, pens, …). However, the amount of viruses on the contaminated surface is limited, so that after 15-20 touches it can usually be assumed that there is too little contaminated material.

You can find more information in the article Viruses and Bacteria.

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Tips for a good immune system

Below you will find some tips to strengthen and keep your immune system going. You should at least implement most of them.

  • Exercise enough and frequently (even during working hours) – however, avoid the gym in times of viruses
  • Adequate fresh air
  • Frequently ventilate the apartment
  • Avoid stress
  • Get enough sleep
  • Avoid using public transport as much as possible
  • Avoid public areas (toilets, playgrounds, etc.)
  • Keep your shopping habits short and small (one supermarket instead of many) and postpone unnecessary purchases
  • Drink enough fluids
  • Eat a healthy diet and watch for the increase in fruits and vegetables
  • At times when there is an increased risk of viruses and bacteria, additional vitamin C and zinc are recommended


The workplace has a moderate risk, as sick colleagues certainly have the potential to transmit infection. Two factors are important in the workplace:

  • Number of employees at the location
  • Number of employees in the office / place of work including number of employees in meetings

The fewer people there are in a room at the same time, the lower the risk of infection. This means that in single or two-person offices there is a significantly lower risk of infection than in an open-plan office. The second factor is decisive for public areas of the company such as toilets, coffee and snack machines, copiers, entrance doors, time recorders, lifts, banisters, tea kitchens and Co. The higher the number of people, the higher the risk of infection from a smear infection.

Make sure there is sufficient ventilation at the workplace, as high air humidity promotes viruses. Viruses also love a colder climate and can survive there longer. Air conditioning systems, on the other hand, are a good breeding ground for bacteria, which is why they should be serviced frequently. Do not stay in air currents from air conditioners, as they significantly weaken the immune system and cause headaches and pain.

Try not to touch objects such as push buttons, touch displays, railings, door handles and the like. Use a glove or your finger joint for this. Also, never run your hand over your face while working. If possible use the stairwell instead of the elevator.

After work and during the lunch break, you should disinfect all personal items (ID, smartphone, etc.) and your hands. Also see the article on Optimal Protection Against Corona Viruses in the Workplace.

School, University and training centers

Schools and training centers have the highest risk of infection. Many people are there for several hours in a confined space. In addition, there is usually not enough ventilation, which means that the humidity rises sharply. That is why these places are the ideal breeding ground for viruses. Through many common areas, the contaminated areas quickly expand from classroom to classroom. Subsequently, public transport, private households and colleagues from other schools are contaminated.

Corona virus bacteria everyday
Corona virus bacteria everyday

In addition to Italy, Austria has now closed universities and technical colleges. Italy even went one step further with schools. But what protection is there in such a ruthless place? Almost none. The distance to classmates is difficult to maintain – especially the distance of 2 meters or the maximum time of 15 minutes. Droplet infection can spread quickly. It looks a little better with the smear infection. Gloves, sufficient disinfectants and thorough hand washing can be mentioned here. In addition, you should not run your fingers in the face.

Surfaces such as door handles, chalk, sponges, tables and the like should be disinfected regularly or only touched with gloves. Disinfection of the hands is also recommended after school and during breaks. At the universities, the rearmost places should also be used, as sickly people cough forward or to the side. Also try to avoid courses with sick people.

Public transportation

Public transport is at high risk of contracting viruses (including the Corona Virus) or bacteria. This is due to three primary factors:

  • Many passengers in tight spaces on one trip
  • Hundreds of passengers use the means of transport throughout the day
  • Inadequate, unscientific and too rare disinfection

For this reason, you should give public transport an increased risk of attention. Avoid these if possible and walk paths. This strengthens your immune system. Alternatively, you can cover routes by bike, scooter, skateboard or your private car.

If you are dependent on the use of public transport, you should take increased protective measures. These include the push buttons and ticket machines that can only be touched with the finger joint. Handle bars, grab handles and change only with gloves. In addition, you should not run your hands or fingers in your face while driving and disinfect hands and all personal items that you used while driving.

You can read more about this in the article on protection against viruses, bacteria, coronavirus and the like on public transport.


At the moment, as in Austria, many leisure and cultural facilities are closed in Italy or limited to a maximum number of people. However, this is only moderately useful, since even one person can already pass it on to everyone and most of the time distribute it to at least one other person. The distribution is usually faster than the awareness of the infestation.

Avoid events if possible. This also includes football games (active and passive) or cultural events (cinema, opera, theater, open air). Try to keep your purchases as short as possible and pay with a card (enter your PIN with your finger joint or gloves). Use a supermarket instead of several supermarkets and postpone unnecessary purchases. Also avoid public areas where you could get infected, such as park benches, playgrounds, etc.

Use your free time to read books or go hiking, walking, running or cycling.