Happy Birthday in Japanese
Happy birthday in Japanese means: & nbsp; お 誕生 日 お め で と う (Otanjōbiomedetō). This is the most commonly used term because it is the standard phrase and can always be used. In social networks, but also in face-to-face conversations, you will find other expressions much more often. These are shorter and more concise.
5 ways to wish a Japanese “happy birthday”
In the list below you will find various ways in which you can congratulate a Japanese person. Some of these are short forms especially for social media or informal conversations. Others, however, have a more general meaning and can of course be used in a variety of ways.

- お 誕生 日 お め で と う (Otanjōbiomedetō) – Happy Birthday
- で は ご き げ ん よ う! (Dewa gokigen’yō!) – All the best!
- 頑 張 っ て く だ さ い! (Ganbattekudasai!) – Good luck!
- 誕生 日 お め で と う! (Tanjōbiomedetō! ) – I wish you a happy birthday!
- お め で う! (O-medeu) – Congratulations!
It is best to apply your knowledge straight away and surprise a Japanese friend, acquaintance or relative with a “Happy Birthday” in Japanese. Japanese like your language and are happy to receive birthday wishes in their national language – even better in Japanese font. But don’t be surprised if a “ あ り が と う ” (Arigatō) or “ ど う も あ り が と う! ” (Dōmo arigatō!) Comes back – this means something like “(Thank you) “. And don’t forget: variety makes life more beautiful – so you have several options to congratulate a Japanese person.
Birthday gifts for a Japanese
Gifts are a good form, especially in Japan. It is less about the value than that it is unique and beautifully packaged. This shows appreciation and attention to the recipient. The best thing to do is to surprise the Japanese with local products that are not available in Japan. These can be crafts, candy, wine, cookies, drugstore products, or cosmetics. Gifts should be handed over with both hands and are usually not unwrapped in the presence of the guests. However, you should avoid black or white wrapping paper. Also, the Japanese don’t like the number “four”, so you don’t give away four gifts or gifts that are associated with “four”.
Expensive fruits and flowers (except for white flowers or potted plants) are also excellent gifts. Avoid the numbers 4 and 9 on flowers. The wrapping paper can also contain motifs. Fish – especially carp – stand for luck, turtles for babies and butterflies for longevity.
More resources in Japanese
In this category you can find more Japanese language expressions and lessons or do you want a Learn another language ? There is also an overview page with birthday wishes in all languages . Would you have known something like “Happy Birthday” in Finnish (one of the heaviest languages) is?