Happy birthday in French
Happy birthday in French means: Joyeux anniversaire! As in the German language, this term is used quite often. However, other expressions are often found much more often on Facebook. These are shorter and more concise.

10 ways to “wish a French a happy birthday”
Below are many different ways you can congratulate a Frenchman. Some of these are short forms for social media, while others have a more general meaning. The variety allows you to choose the right shape for the phrase Happy Birthday.
- Joyeux anniversaire! – Happy Birthday
- Bon anniversaire! – Congratulations
- Bonne fête! – Happy Birthday
- Meilleurs voeux! – All the best
- Mes félicitations! – My congratulations
- Toutes mes félicitations! – All my congratulations
- Tout le meilleur! – All the best
- Je vous souhaite un joyeux anniversaire! – I wish you a happy birthday.
- Félicitations! – Congratulations
- Bonne chance! – Good luck
It is best to apply your knowledge straight away and surprise a French friend, acquaintance or relative with a “Happy Birthday” in French. The French in particular are proud of their language and look forward to birthday wishes in their national language. But don’t be surprised if a “Merci!” Or “Merci beaucoup!” Comes back – this means something like “(Thank you very much)”. And don’t forget: variety makes life more beautiful – so you have several options to congratulate a Frenchman.
More resources in French
You will find many more exciting languages on this blog. There are also many guides and articles on interesting things to do.
Furthermore, you should visit the city of Paris once in your life. This offers you famous and beautiful churches, castles and a fantastic city center. Of course, the Eiffel Tower must not be forgotten, from which you have a unique view of the big city.